
Cristina Gabriele
Heredity seeks to examine the essence of power and authority frameworks and how they become embedded in our identities, behaviours, outlooks, and institutions. In a world that has and continues to support a resolutely male template for power (an expectation that power will be male), at the cost and perpetual exclusion of women, substantial restructuring must occur to evolve our sociocultural norms to reflect a more equitable state. How can the investigation of embodied power and authority structures support the modification and navigation of institutions to disrupt the status-quo to advocate for women’s equality?

The Fifth Wave collaboratively infiltrates a predominantly male framing environment to take shape. Illustrating the four historical waves of Feminism, while alluding to a future fifth with five ligneous crests, the structure presents distinctly unlocked frames, providing space for open dialogue while establishing an opportunity to define or confine space.

@Daily___Feminist responds to notions of Commodified or Marketplace Feminism by peacocking as a legitimate feminist merchandise outlet providing “Everyday products for the die-hard Feminist.” Establishing a provocative and outlandish commentary on Marketplace Feminism, Daily Feminist seeks to investigate and provoke inquiry into what constitutes as feminist merchandise and why.

Mansplaining is a card game designed with the intention of deconstructing, codifying and reformatting the language of mansplaining to make it identifiable. Constructed by remixing Kim Goodwins, “Mansplaining Chart," the game allows players to construct dialogues into four outcomes: “Not Mansplaining,” “Probably Mansplaining,” “Definitely Mansplaining” and “Just Stop Talking Now.”

Constructed to navigate space through the five senses, Space Place acts as a cultural probe, providing infrastructure to inspirit the user to explore environments of their choosing through collage making. Each sense is distilled and matched with a set of physical cutouts, providing the materials and foundations for collaged investigations.

On Intersectionality broaches the subject of intersectionality through the lens of Chindogu, a design methodology focusing on the universal nature of curious and strange tools. Remixing the Intersectionality "tenants" from The Opportunity Agenda with the “10 Tenets of Chindogu" reflect the rules and nature of the intervening design form.

SHE TRANSFER is a software program (existing in 2118) that allows female users to download the memory, emotion, and experiences of the women they admire most. The first augmented cognitive holodeck experience of its kind, SHE TRANSFER conducts and downloads brain to brain transmissions via a leading-edge digital network.

Investigating the Institution explores the nature of the establishment through a series of digital surveys. Each survey and set of findings aim to support the participant in the navigation of the institution, particularly in investigating the environment (space) and language (visual and verbal) in the context of the individual.

Annual Yearbook 2018 investigates the embedded and parasitic nature of the sexual assault and abuse within the US government since the founding of the country. Designed to embody an official state document, the journal mimics (yet disrupts) the internal visual language of the Senate in an attempt to infiltrate the institution.

Body Without Organs assessment was constructed to classify, assess and navigate the patriarchy. Presented as a disembodied being (liberated from organs, and therefore patriarchal control), the online assessment allows users to contemplate, reveal and monitor their own biases, internally and institutionally with the support of criteria and DIY design proposals.