
Emotions and Text-based Communication
Jianan Zhao
This thesis investigates how deconstructive methodologies help people receive the accurate message in text-based communication. My proposed solution, Emotitype,can help users express feelings or emotional content more accurately. Through Emotitype, communication designers can combine historical theories and contemporary media together to reveal potential meanings and reduce misinterpretation in text-based communication.
This video shows the process of the Emotitype. Emotitype is a phone application that provides context in texting through typeface options, colors, scale, and spacing to express tone, speed, feelings, and mood of senders. Emotitype helps improve accurate meaning and emotional intention for both senders and receivers of messages.

Picking fonts and adjusting scale, spacing, and color buttons.

The Emotitype system is recognizing tone, speed, emotion of the sender.

The Emotitype system recognized tone, speed, and emotion into accordant font, scale. spacing, and color options

The Emotitype system recognized tone, speed, and emotion into accordant font, scale. spacing, and color options

The text conversation in phone, enhanced through the Emotitype app.

The text conversation in phone, enhanced through the Emotitype app.