
Exploration through Intuition in the Museum
Hanyue Song
Compared with the traditional art museums which display framed paintings on the wall, exhibit artifacts in showcases or put sculptures in specific areas where the audience cannot enter, some art museums with interactive design are more attractive. This thesis focuses on how designers use interactive designs to improve the museum experience. The capstone project is an exhibition called °∞Use Intuition to Feel Art°± to provide audience with a chance to use their five senses combined, to intuitively experience and to explore the museum space in a more meaningful way, and retain more of the experience after they leave.

Handouts Spread on Campus
Do you feel bored at exhibitions? Audience can do nothing but look at artworks. This exhibition makes them look, hear, smell, taste, touch something which they do not know what they are before they try and leads them to think and feel intuitively.

Posters Posted on Campus

The Entrance of the Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±

The Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±
The Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±°™ Touch
The Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±°™ Smell
The Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±°™ Hear
The Exhibition °∞Use Intuition to feel Art°±°™ Taste

Comments from Audience

Audience°Øs Interactions with the Exhibition