
Critical Media Consumption in the Age of Convergence
Ramon Lopez
Forms of media have multiplied allowing people to access and consume information anywhere at any time. But, they have also converged in one place: the Internet. This thesis explores media literacy in the online world and how designers can play a role in helping people become critical media consumers.

Exploring Format: Multimedia Literacy Book
The content in the project is intertwined with the form and offers moments of critique at how these mediums are commonly fragmented and utilized in different ways. The structure dictates how the content is communicated and consumed.
View here: ramonralopez.com/media-lit-2
View here: instagram.com/bemedialit

Exploring Format: Media Literacy Journal
An interactive survey that explores how different user activities are affected by the mediums associated with them. View here: tinyurl.com/be-media-lit

Exploring Audience: Pseduo-Event Coverage
This interactive webpage presents the multiple ways one event can be covered especially in cities such as New York which have a massive media presence. The event featured is a Trump press conference in Manhattan last Sept. 26, 2018. View here: tinyurl.com/pseudo-event

Exploring Content: Channel Surfing 2018
This video remixes the visual style of channel surfing with content commonly seen on the Internet today.
Exploring Purpose: Clicky
Clicky is a modern parody on the old Microsoft Office assistant Clippy.
Clicky assists users in navigating the various digital interfaces users encounter today.
Capstone Project: Think B4U Click
Think B4U Click is a digital media campaign on battling clickbait with clickbait.

ACCESS: Ads on social media lead to a landing page.
ANALYZE: Introduces core concepts of media literacy and provides corresponding questions.
EVALUATE: Provides tips through creative messaging (memes) and offers a question for reflection.
CREATE: Brings users back to social media for more interaction. View here: thinkb4uclick.online