
“Scrying” Visual Evolution.
Wesam Haddad
“Scrying” means to use divination to discover hidden knowledge. Scrying is an indoor exhibition that aims to explore the invisible natural world and its visual trait. The show is composed of eight frames printed using invisible ink. These frames can’t be seen by the human eye, only by using ultraviolet light devices. Six frames tell a narrative between a Lion and a Zebra about the zebra's invisible secret of survival: Their stripes. The show is inspired by flowers' vibrant colors and patterns-some of them detectable only with UV sight-are a way of helping pollinators like bees find nectar, a sugar-rich fluid.

Scrying Exhibition Invitation Card
The invitation card has been designed to invite the audience to attend the indoor exhibition. The invitation is a semi-transparent empty piece of paper with an ultraviolet device inside the envelope. The viewers can only reveal the content once they use the device.

Scrying Exhibition Invitation Card
The viewers only reveal the content of the invitation once they use the device.

Scrying Exhibition in natural light.

Scrying Exhibition under Ultraviolet light.

Scrying Exhibition “Frames” under Ultraviolet light.

Scrying Exhibition “Thesis Abstract Frame” under Ultraviolet light.

Scrying Exhibition “Inspiration Frame” under Ultraviolet light.

Scrying Exhibition Audience
More than 40 people attended the exhibition. From the minute they stepped in, the hide and seek display captured their attention, allowing them to participate by exploring the show using the hands-on devices.

Scrying Exhibition Guests Book
After the completion of the exhibition, the audience participated in signing and writing their observations, feelings, and opinions about the show using invisible ink and Ultraviolet light.

The video shows a summary of the exhibition in action.