
Media, Intimacy, and Self Design
Kasia Sasinowska
Through the creation of a digital self, one has control over his/her self-presentation. Even though seemingly best, this carefully crafted version of self lacks authenticity and jeopardizes the chances of authentic experiences. When real love and happiness fall short competing with its advertised utopias, people create new intimate connections with their always-present, non-judgmental companions - smartphones. “It is not that the phone is used to monitor and accumulate details of your personal life since the phone itself is where the personal is increasingly generated.” (Colmina, Wigley) At the crossover of self, intimate, and digital the new human-to-object intimacy is created.

Series of traditional and animated collages exploring the differences in language associated with digital versus analog intimacy.
The boundaries between digital and human blur when it comes to intimacy. Whether it’s the amount of photos, messages, or data collected; one is evident - phones play a role in our intimate lives. Their non-human nature inspires trust allowing full transparency and by never leaving our side they strive to become our most intimate partners.