
From No Proscenium to Otherings
Lin Chen (Sherry)
Immersive theater, as a catalyst, has the power to transport the audiences into another person’s reality and present them with a divergent perspective, while simultaneously engaging feelings of aliveness, intimacy, vulnerability, sympathy, and empathy. I argue that designing immersive theater experiences that engage the audience in collaborative and contextual storytelling is a tool to foster social change and inspire a more distributed form of activism to address the issues of Othering. My capstone project is to create and visualize the framework to map out how theatrical immersive components could address or have the potential to tackle othering or marginalizing issues.

Immersive Framework Overview

Immersive Framework and Othering

Immersive Framework - Voyeurs’ World

Immersive Framework - Listeners’ World

Immersive Framework - Participants’ World