
Mass Surveillance: Conceptions of citizenship and social engagement
Marc Rosenberg
The term surveillance has evolved over the past few decades. Certain historic events and technological advancements have led to an increase in surveillance conducted by governments around the world. Governments are not the only ones collecting data. Market-leading companies are as well. Nowadays social media platforms, shops, and services persuade its users into sharing private data in exchange for convenience. This kind of surveillance is called surveillance capitalism and is based on user contribution.

Social Record Control
SRC stands for “Social Record Control”. With this speculative service, it is possible to remove private data social media providers collected and stored on their servers, modify the algorithm/advertisements, and regain power over your online identity.

Character & Interests
Uncover how platforms determine your personality and interests. Does Instagram think you are a happy person who is interested in fashion and sports? You have the option to rediscover ads you have seen on your feed.

Sensitive Data
Nudes you have sent will show up in this category. SRC also analyzes your direct messages for comments that could convey a concerning message. Choose the edit option to remove records.
This category allows you to discover who you interact with the most. View conversations, change relationship statuses, and erase people from your online identity if you wish.
Future Self
Get a glimpse of your future. Of course, we can not accurately predict your future but we can show you what is likely to happen based on your user behavior and data. If you are satisfied with it keep going if not this is your chance to reflect and change.