
Harnessing Biomimicry for UI
Jiayi Ruan
This thesis explores the possibilities of using animal biomimicry to achieve breakthrough innovation in user interface design. Inspired by animal forms and behavior, I document new design paradigms to inspire and guide future digital innovation.

What is biomimicry?
Biomimicry is a way of learning from nature's genius to create modern design solutions. including more sustainable products, processes and systems.
Learn from Life on Earth
The animal kingdom is interconnected, interdependent, and has evolved a set of survival strategies that have sustained it for over 3.8 billion years.

Biomimicry: Widely Used in Industrial Design
Many industrial design solutions are born in nature. A millennia of evolutionary trial and error has resulted in powerful, elegant, and efficient design solutions that have survived the test of time.

Animal Inspiration for UI Design
While biomimicry is widely used in science and architecture there are scant examples of biomimicry applied to UI design. These conceptual posters represent animals that might influence breakthrough digital interface design.
The Biomimicry UI Archive Website
The Biomimicry UI Archive Website was created for designers to explore animal-centric inspiration for UI design. Users can also submit their own ideas for upload to create a database of animal inspired UI solutions.
Energy Conservation Inspiration from a Hummingbird's Torpor
Hummingbird torpor is a hibernation-like state that allows the tiny hummingbird to slow its metabolism at night to conserve energy and recharge for optimum performance the the following day. This is but one example of how biomimicry inspired the design of energy conservation in batteries.