
Unlocking Therapeutic Patterns Through Design
Jungmin Park
Designers are collaborating with professionals in the psychotherapy field in multiple ways. Still, we cannot ignore that we as designers have also contributed to exacerbating people's depression by assisting in fields known for their competitiveness. Maybe this is when we have to consider how we decide on designing in a particular field that we are trying to help. Are there common threads between therapeutic experiences and the design process/design methodologies? Outside of collaborating with mental health professionals, can designers provide tools for people at home to cope with mild depression during the pandemic?

This is a historical framework of depression to show how the understanding of this mental illness changed over the years in many countries.

The diverse range of how we calm ourselves
‘Emotions card deck’ - a tarot card deck that shows how you can ease your stressful feelings in different ways by smashing; Rage room, by making a garden; Zen garden, by seeking and reading; Library, and by harmonizing and listening; Concert.

‘Feelbox’- a navigation tool for people to discover others' ways of alleviating their upsetting emotions. After interviewing nine people, I designed each box representing their ideal environment. The rooms ranged from beaches, theatres to shopping malls.

‘Calment’ - is made to let people know that they’re not alone in this pandemic and get people to participate and share their calming methods. There might be a method that they have never thought about and learn from each other—hoping that you will Find Your Calm.
Personal Creations
‘Theratok’ - focusing on the therapeutic pattern of ‘a personal creation,’ this capstone is to utilize people to post a video on Tiktok where they will share their calming methods and, in the end, make a network of possible coping mechanisms.