
Collective Creation - The context of cultural Posthumanism
Sibylle Hornung
We now experience what scientists are calling the Postdigital Age. In this Era, we perceive a merge of the virtual and analog world. How will the definition of human and tools change in that? Grounded historic research and philosophical theories were essential to take a closer look at the terms like Humanism and Posthumanism. I was researching the idea of how we can contribute to a more inclusive future, and use technology, but also the idea of collectivity.

The New Normcore was a speculative research and Design response about products and their function. It is inspired by the movement of ‘Normcore’ and plays with its definition.

Everyday objects were analyzed and researched in The New Normcore. The three stages of “The New Normcore” imply: Function - Transformation - New Function.

What I wanted to achieve with this project was giving a new perspective of what we define as “reality” and “the norm” - which can hardly be defined, and which sometimes shouldn’t be defined at all. “The norm” is different from everyone else - and that was my idea of “The New Normcore”.

This is a self-printed Pamphlet that reflected my MFA Thesis Research from 2020 so far.

The Pamphlet covers the idea of why a redefinition of “Humans” and “Humanism” is more than necessary, regarding the technological Postdigital Age we are living in. The colorful paper reflects the emphasis on inclusivity in that topic.
Can Typography be a Collective Process? What is the power of accessibility in typography? How can we creatively use it? These were questions I was curious to explore during my Capstone Project. The Typeface versions were made in glyphdrawing.club, created by Heikki Lotvonen. In summary, 14 designers participated.