
The Weaponized Infodemic
Sunho Im
The Internet has become a means to disseminate misleading Information effectively recently. Gender and racial disproportion in online user participation accelerate and diversify the channels in which biased Information can be acquired. Existing studies are highlighting the importance of assessing Information authenticity. However, it is more critical that Information can become hostile toward social minorities. Besides, the contents we get are controlled by algorithms based on our emotional responses; it might impact users to accept weaponized Information faster. The study explores how design can perform as a medium to alert users to form a healthier online environment as a designer.

The Map of Disinformation
A two-sided book that includes both ‘Map of Disinformation’ and ‘Encyclopedia of Disinformation and Misinformation’
Wiki Candy Vending Machine
The installation aims to instill perception to Wiki users' that contents might contain biased Information due to the disparity of the gender and race of editors and make them mindful. Participants will get a candy package that shows possible biased Information included in the article and a short description.

Wiki Portrait Virtual Exhibition

Wiki Portrait Oracles
This package includes portraits on Wiki articles. It utilizes the Thatcher illusion that is a phenomenon where it becomes hard to recognize local feature changes in an upside-down face. The act of pulling out a card and interpreting words in combination represents the process by which we acquire knowledge.

CandyDrop is a nonprofit organization that aims to alert social media users that Information often gets weaponized by the imbalance of the demographics. It satirizes current online circumstances that user participation can accelerate the acquisition of biased information by delivering a candy package with customized online activity analysis.