
With Love,
Taia Pollock
Within the modern world, loving yourself is a radical act. To go against how white supremacy has defined us and embrace ourselves truly is to decentralize coloniality within ourselves. Instead of using my thesis to analyze how oppressed people have been shaped by marginalization, I want to focus on our healing and the role love plays in that journey. In an environment where you are made to feel less than, love creates space for us to be ourselves. Through my thesis work, I want to explore how we can create spaces of love and healing that are accessible and sustainable as we embark on the mission of designing for a healthier world.

Pause Campaign
A series of posters featuring photography of Fort Greene Park, encouraging viewers to pause and take in their surroundings. Fort Greene Park became a familiar environment from my time at Pratt, a place where I often take moments to ‘pause’, observe, and be in the moment.

Visual Aid
An illustration series providing a relatable perspective for individuals navigating mental health. The series uses playful drawing styles and various characters to approach a serious topic, with the characters engaging in day-to-day situations that can challenge and affect our mental well-being.

Visual Language
Originally a study on mundane objects, this series of posters exploring mindfulness and self-love went on to influence the visual language for the capstone work. The material in the background is based on the study of hot sauce falling and settling in water. This imagery influenced visuals that reflected on embracing the self.

Self Care Saturday
A virtual conversation with myself and collaborator, therapist Regine Henderson, discussing self-love and embracing self-care. Our community was invited to discuss their relationships with self-love and how they embrace self-care in their spaces. These conversations also acted as research for the writing and production of the capstone project, With Love.

Capstone: With Love
With Love, is a guided meditation meant to center, embrace, and affirm listeners. Available in visual and audio format, the listener is able to take about five minutes to tune into the meditation, hopefully entering into a sense of calm and leaving the mediation feeling rejuvenated and uplifted.