
Data Humanism, Social Media Influencers, Authenticity
Jing Peng
This research aims to study the data humanism design method and explore the possibility of applying this method to the authentic expression of influencers. With the explosive growth of information processing in human life, the fields of social media and data visualization are developing towards paradigmatic and efficient communication, ignoring people's real self-expression needs. This paper introduces the data humanities design methodology proposed by Giorgia Lupi, redefines new authenticity standards, and deduces the impact of authenticity on influence communication through the research and analysis of influencers with real social influence (such as Greta Thunberg) importance, and narrative strategies for authenticity. In data humanism design practice, by integrating personal databases, presenting alternative, multi-faceted, and more complex visual interactive narratives, experimenting with new social media influencer visual cultures and narrative conventions, providing influencers to communicate and develop authentic self-branding new possibilities.

Influencer Expo - an investigation board of Instagram influencers
This work shows my communications with different brands (turn out to be scams eventually), my engagement with the Instagram world, and various feeds by influencers distinguished by following numbers (Nano, Micro, Macro, and Mega influencers). This process helps me find the general strategies and problem of repetitiveness in influencer content.

Influencer Data Portrait
A graphical digital persona design is based on answers to an "Influencer Data Portrait" online questionnaire. This part helps me get a more comprehensive persona database of influencers and have more insights into influencers’ more three-dimensional personalities as human beings.

Bilibili Danmu Culture Ecosystem Infographic
Danmu the database of authentic reactions. These reactions are based on audiences’ will and happiness. When the video content is resonating enough, people gather together and even form an unspoken rule of posting Danmu. This design shows my intent to incorporate my abstract icon design to represent types of influencer content and fit in the unique cultural atmosphere of Bilibili, which helps me get insight into this social media interaction.

Visual Experiment of three attributes of Danmu: Time, space & color
Time and Color are two already formed attributes, and the room for their optimization is limited. In comparison, the Danmu experience has great room for improvement in terms of Space. Now that Danmu is fixed in the scale of 2D screen, what about extending the display space, like 3D?

Beijing Drifters’ Life - A Life in a BOX
This project completes the visualization of personal data as a Beijing Drifter, constructed a real living scene through minimal simplification, abstracted and reproduced the emotional experience of sound, and embodied the details of the life story climax, realizing fascinating data humanism and authentic story communication.
Face Manipulation
The central concept is: “If face manipulation becomes everywhere with proper edition, every manipulated portrait can be a new person.” The video combines my manipulated portraits and diverse artificial intelligence voices, saying words to express the extended meanings and new intentions of face manipulation for influencers.