
On Work From Home
Shiyi Xiang
Since the invention of the personal computer in the 1970s, work from home started to become a reasonable choice to save money and time. Many companies, such as IBM, began to ask their employees to work from home as an experiment. Today, high-speed internet, and digital devices are all supporting work from home. The pandemic also made working from home a regularly discussed subject. Many companies were forced to redesign their offering for no contact delivery. This thesis argues that the experience of working from home generated by the pandemic and post-pandemic conditions has radically changed our understanding of work.




Work From Home Manifesto_We Value
Along with the long history, office rooms also have many rules. However, most of these rules do not apply to working from home. As a young employment arrangement, work from home needs restrictions to regulate the relationship between employer and employee.
Work From Home Manifesto_We Follow
The lack of regulation might cause difficulty distinguishing the boundaries between life and work, consequently affecting mental wellness. This manifesto is designed to regulate the experience of work from home and encourage workers to develop a clear line between life and work.

Relink is a meditation website aiming to help the participant reconnect with the real world after long time working from home. The meditation is recorded by real humans, they might not be professional, but they are real.


on WFH | Ideal vs Actual Working Schedule
In this book, eight participants were asked to fill the pie chart one more time to find out their ideal on-site and WFH schedule. This exercise encourages the participants to say their requests out loud. There is no right or wrong in the ideal schedule.