
Gender-Fluid Design
Lihao Zhu
How might we develop an inclusive design language not rooted in the assumed logic of dualism? And how might we use fluidity as a methodology to deconstruct the hegemony of binarism?


Gender-Fluid Principles of Design
By critiquing and rewriting Universal Principles of Design, the book Gender-Fluid Principles of Design manifests a new design paradigm that celebrates a fluid and non-binary way of thinking and making. For now, 6 gender-fluid design principles respond to 6 selected universal design principles.

Gender-Fluid Principles of Design
In the book, works of artists and designers aligning with these principles are cited to further explain these ideas in the book, along with expressive typography designed by me.

Gender-Fluid Principles of Design Posters
I sprayed my argument on top of the argument of the arrogant book, Universal Principles of Design, to communicate the act of unbuilding and rebuilding.