Women have increasingly become the dominant force in global consumer markets. Alongside, reconfigurations of the social division of labor in many industrialized countries have also increased women’s economic independence. Women are becoming more independent in their work, personal lives, and career choices. This shift has changed the media landscape in China, with more and more visual, commercial, and media messages highlighting women’s strength and independence. It’s not uncommon for Chinese advertisements and marketing campaigns today to encourage women to ignore limitations, live the lifestyles they choose, and pursue their own interests. These values are communicated both directly, through texts, but also connotatively and indirectly, through subliminal visual messaging: photographs that show diversity by women of different shapes and skin tones.

Thesis Book (Cover Page)

Thesis Book (Front & Back)

Spreads from Thesis Book

Spreads from Thesis Book (cont.)

Spreads from Thesis Book (cont.)

Spreads from Thesis Book (cont.)

Capstone Project (Identity Mapping)
Identity Mapping is a participatory artwork that explores the fundamentals of self-identity as an individual. The project invites the participants to answer simple questions through a visual system that uses color, line, and shape composition. What kind of messages or topics make you: Think, Sensitive, Create and Change? Each participant is represented by a thread of different colors and can be answered by shaping relevant words together. Throughout the event, a multi-layered visual data map emerges. Ultimately, the participants become the creators of this colorful art piece.
Remixing Project: Women's Confessions

Poster Design: Embracing in