My whole project is an attempt to analyze why Chinese parents tend to neglect the issue of depression in their teenage children, and the historical, social, traditional cultural, and environmental reasons behind this parental behavior.
Depression symptoms simulation video
Through video simulations, the audience will be able to understand the difficulties that real depressed patients face in their lives. Hopefully, this will help the public understand that depression is a disease that needs to be taken seriously, just like any other physical illness.
Thesis book(Part1)-Disease Awareness and treatment history of Depression in China
A historical perspective helps society understand how depression has evolved from a traditional Chinese medical concept to a medical concept of depression today, and also tells how depression was treated in ancient China.
Thesis book(Part2)-Depression symptoms simulation
Combining a depression simulation video with a book binding, using a pill box as the outer packaging, conveys to the reader that these life-altering symptoms are real and occur continuously.
Semicolon App- Design for depression patient
The research process of my thesis project inspired this app design.
I analyzed the data collected through interviews, questionnaires, and user interviews to determine the common difficulties faced by people with depression, such as social barriers, lack of awareness of the illness, lack of a consistent way to record their emotions, and lack of a sense of identity.
Using a psychological questionnaire to help match patients with people who have similar experiences, provide them with a sense of identity and social connection, and provide content on self-learning about depression. It also provides three different recording methods: text, voice, and daily mood records to help patients quantify their emotions and learn to cope better with their emotions.