
Textiles: Mediums of Communication, Connection, and Healing.
Ida Kythe
Communication, connection, and healing are terms that we all know and hear on the regular. We talk to others, we make connections at school and work, and we heal in different ways as well. Textiles are also something which we come into contact with every single day in various forms: towels, socks, hats, blankets, rugs, and much more. Although we come into contact with these so much, we do not stop to realize the importance of them as well as the impact that they have on us. This thesis argues that textiles weave fresh insights into the ideas of communication, connection, and healing. The goal of this research is to analyze how, beyond the basic daily functions they hold, textiles are also “mediums,”’ or modes of communication, connection, and healing; and moreover, to explore how textiles might be used to facilitate non-verbal expression.


Thesis Book
A thesis book containing my research, visual experimentations, and capstone during my time here at Pratt. The cover is hand embroidered and spiral bound.

Textiles as Self
A penguin pillow was utilized to portray my emotional journey via textiles. Each textile wrapped around the pillow represents a different emotion and day.

Embroidered Emotions
Participants were asked to interact with a piece of Cotton Broadcloth and various materials. I asked them to embroider a word or phrase that communicated their feelings about the current semester. On one side was “OH HAPPY DAY'' while on the other side was written “WE ARE TIRED.” The results were playful and paradoxical due to the differing messages. I experienced how textiles can be form of communication and how embroidery acts as a method to communicate one’s emotions

Cloth Creations
Participants were to interact with Cotton Broadcloth in ways that demonstrated their emotions. One participant applied black paint, displaying their feeling of doom. The participant went on to rip the fabric and sew it back together. They shared that their response symbolizes ways in which their life has been ripped apart and stitched back together a number of times.

Textile Collage
Students were invited to participate in a workshop. I provided a variety of fabrics and materials to manipulate the fabrics. Some textiles were painted on, some were ripped, and others were folded and embroidered. Shown is a “collage” showcasing students’ reflections about the semester and the stress they felt.

Wearable Quotes
Blankets were made on High Quality Single Knit fabric with positive affirmations or quotes in relation to mental health. Participants left their quotes via a google form, open to all, giving me permission to use their quotes throughout my work. Shown are two participants interacting with not only the blanket, but with one another as well.

Comfort Creations
For this exercise,I took the same quotes from the “Wearable Quotes’’ experiment, this time using them on a pillowcase. The form allowed the quotes to be close—near one’s head and eyes so that they are in constant view, giving motivational reminders.

Snug Sanctuary
In my final iteration, I created a space for all to enjoy and unwind. Snug Sanctuary was where individuals could seek refuge and relax while engaging with textiles. The textiles created a calming aura and a place for relaxation amidst the stress of the academic environment. This sanctuary created space for communication and connection, allowing a deeper bond with others and oneself.

Positive Affirmations
Quotes collected in a Google Sheet, showcasing the various positive affirmations given. These were utilized throughout my thesis works in various forms.

Snug Sanctuary
Two participants engaging with one another and the space.