
Halcyon Woods
Jessica Roy
Video games offer uniquely designed experiences that allow for utilization of escapism as a powerful tool for coping with anxiety. This exploration aims to dissect notions of state of mind through an atmospheric role-playing game relying on user input to form an individualized branching narrative. By distilling patterns of interactivity from video games and pairing them with treatments and techniques for coping with GAD, this paper hopes to find a middle ground to synthesize mechanics for a new form of participatory media for self-treatment.

Halcyon Woods
The crux of this exploration rests on the synthesis of user input and association. To effectively provide a therapeutic experience to the individual player, the introductory sequence establishes a “questionnaire”, in which the player is told to subconsciously navigate towards whichever of the options they are most closely feeling.

The Mentor
The player is greeted in the clearing by The Mentor, who states that the player was unable to complete their final rite as their mind is too cluttered and overwhelmed. The player is asked to go on a journey around the woods to find things that help to balance the player’s mind.

Halcyon Woods’ game interface includes the basic assets of menu tab, inventory, and an audio tab. It also includes a biometric heart rate monitor to influence environmental factors and also allow the player to really connect to the experience.

Unfocused - Study

Insomnia - Study

Antisocial/Irritability - Study

Muscle Tension - Study

Restlessness - Study

Breathing/BPM - Study

Breathing/BPM - Study
Halcyon Woods Proposal Video