
Multisensory Design: Packaging and Cacao
Mariana Romero-Carrillo
This project explores how to incorporate multisensory attributes into a packaging design that simultaneously explores communication and information. After a lot of experimentation with texture to indicate flavor and aromas, to have consumers understand what is inside the package or what to expect from only interacting. Research led me to understand the semantic frameworks of signs and signifiers and how to connect them to our senses congruently. The cacao bean is commonly called “a maraca,” an instrument. Considering that cacao is associated with music, I incorporated this into the package’s lid for further interaction and to provide auditory characterization.


“What ‘cacao’ means to me”

What ‘cacao’ means to me

Product Journey

Package and Multisensory Descriptors

Multisensory Box Design Specs and Descriptors

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Textures and Personal Interpretations through clay, plaster and paper pulp

Paper Pulp Material Exploration

Cacaos and their diversity of colors, sizes, and textures.

Initial Branding Exploration