
Using mythology in Design
Yifan Wei
If a myth is used in the design of a brand or product, will it be eye-catching and prompt people to buy a product or learn about a myth? The answer to this question is definitely yes! So that the topic of the capstone is about using Mythology and Mythological Stories from many cultural pasts to offer a visual context and construct to tell about the product at hand. Different cultures have different views on what is considered correct behavior, have particular ways of conducting social interactions, and have their own religions. In the meanwhile, many cultures from different places share the same mythology. Then I choose holy water, which is often mentioned in many cultures, as my product to develop. Based on the mythology about holy water between Battelle and a sika deer that happened in Harun Arshan, I created a brand named SOUL. We collect the spring water of Harun Arshan for you. Holy water heals people and blesses people. Learn about the mythology and feel the charm of nature from SOUL. For the product, I created a spring water bottle based on ideas of mythology, human, and nature. The material of this product is glass and salongda, which is biodegradable glutinous rice paper.


Logo Design
Design the logo of the SOUL in the form of water waves. The brand name wants to express that mythology is the soul of humans. The “shui” under the soul means water in Chinese, which intends to represent holy water.

Battelle and A sika Deer in Harun Arshan
The illustration design tells the mythological story about holy water happening in Harun Arshan. The Battelle and a sika deer stand around the spring.

Bottle without label
This image wants to introduce the proportion of water bottles. The overall scale of the water bottle is similar to the human body. The water bottle’s lids are like a human’s head; the bottle and humans all have shoulders; the center part of the water bottle is the human’s body; the base of the water bottle is like the human’s feet. The bottom of the bottle uses the shape of Harun Arshan.

Bottle with label
This image wants to introduce the label design in the water bottle. The label uses salongda, a type of paper used for prayer in China.

Bottle at night
This image shows the spring water bottle at night, which expresses the sacredness of the holy water that the bottle still maintains in dark times or environments.

Bottle during day
This image shows the spring water bottle during the day. When dawn comes, the bottle of holy water shines brighter.

Holy Water Bottle
This image shows the water bottle standing at the water wave. The lid, which is the shape of a holy water drop, rotates on it. Holy Water bottle and the water wave fused.

The video introduces the story of the holy water mythology between Battelle and A sika Deer in Harun Arshan. The second half of the video gives a brief introduction based on my research process, reincarnation, water, nature, and the brand soul.