
Baijiu table culture
Xiani Lin
Baijiu, a traditional high-proof alcoholic beverage in China, is deeply ingrained in the country's cultural fabric. The targeted project extensively explores how Baijiu table culture impacts young professionals, who heavily rely on these social interactions for networking, relationship-building, and business engagements, but also face immense pressure when partaking in Baijiu consumption. By meticulously studying cultural norms, social expectations, and personal experiences, it delves into the challenges young professionals encounter when navigating Baijiu gatherings. Additionally, it introduces the "Baijiu Survival Products," designed to help individuals humorously and effortlessly manage Baijiu gatherings. By amalgamating cultural understanding with practical solutions, this paper aims to heighten awareness of the stress stemming from Baijiu table culture and promote inclusivity and well-being among young workers.


Baijiu table challenges
Explain the four pressure challenges that young people often face at the baijiu table.

Baijiu Survival Products
Introducing my project solution, Baijiu survival products, which provide different solutions and related products for different pressure challenges. Humor draws attention to the pressures young people face at the wine table.

Tattoo Stickers:
Drawing inspiration from cheat sheets used during exams, these stickers are tailored for young professionals navigating baijiu gatherings, which often feel like a test. Adorned with toasting phrases, they skillfully guide users on proposing toasts, masking any unfamiliarity with baijiu culture and table etiquette. Seamlessly navigate through the occasion with confidence.

Tissue Packaging:
At first glance, it appears no different from ordinary tissue packaging found on the market. However, all the packaging information consists of toasting phrases, cleverly reminding users how to propose toasts. This ingeniously masks users' unfamiliarity with the baijiu culture and table etiquette.These clever solutions enable people to confidently and elegantly participate in toasting rituals, regardless of their proficiency in Chinese etiquette.

Music Magic Voice Microphone:
At business gatherings, when called upon to liven up the atmosphere, as a newcomer in the workplace, it's often difficult to refuse the requests of leaders, especially if singing isn't your forte. What should you do? Don't worry, bring out your trusted ally—the lip-sync microphone! Regardless of your preferred music style, simply tap along to the microphone, and you can effortlessly sing along to delightful melodies, injecting energy into the entire gathering and earning the appreciation of your leaders.

Inspire Workplace Harmonica
During workplace gatherings, you may sometimes be invited to bring a bit of joy and entertainment to the crowd. However, you may not be a professional performer, or you simply want to add some fun to the event. Now, the perfect solution to this challenge has emerged — the Workplace Harmonica. It utilizes the latest smart playing technology. Simply blow air into the harmonica and mimic mouth movements, and you can effortlessly produce beautiful music. No musical skills are required; you can amaze the entire gathering and infuse vitality into the atmosphere.

Drinking Etiquette Handbook:
This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of Baijiu table culture, including toasting rituals, seating arrangements, and proper drinking etiquette. By providing practical tips and humorous anecdotes, this manual aims to help individuals confidently and comfortably participate in Baijiu gatherings. Users can also supplement the guide with their own experiences.

Mineral Water Packaging:
The labels on the packaging are designed to resemble the etiquette of Baijiu table culture, allowing users to place them on the table as reminders without attracting the attention or scrutiny of their peers.

In the pages of this meticulously assembled newspaper, one will find a plethora of news stories detailing the grim aftermath of alcohol-related accidents. Each article has been carefully selected to highlight the tragic consequences that arise from excessive drinking, whether it be fatal car crashes, devastating health complications, or shattered families. By showcasing the harsh realities of alcohol abuse, this newspaper stands as a powerful cautionary tale, urging readers to reconsider their relationship with alcohol and discouraging those who promote its consumption.

Fake Prescription Drugs
Fake Prescription Drugs: Inside, it contains candy. When you simply can't handle any more alcohol but can't refuse directly, you can bring out this medicine box to indicate that you've just taken prescription medication and cannot drink. It's a clever excuse that maintains harmony without having to consume more alcohol. Because taking prescription medication and drinking can have serious consequences, even fatal ones, those who pressure others to drink would hesitate to bear such responsibility.

Pregnancy Preparation Report:
Pretend you're currently preparing for pregnancy, providing a perfect reason to decline alcohol. They enable individuals to gracefully avoid drinking obligations without raising suspicion or facing judgment from peers.

Humorous T-Shirts:
These T-shirts feature witty slogans and necessary drinking etiquette related to Baijiu culture, adding a touch of humor and relaxation to the atmosphere. They promote camaraderie and reduce tension among participants.