
Alien: The Shifting Implication
Xinqi Liu
The aim of this capstone project is to investigate the perception of 'aliens' in popular culture and its impact on our relationship with the political use of the term. The term "alien," evolving over time, carries varied meanings that almost awkwardly straddle the boundary between humans and non-humans. Through studying and comparing science fiction works and historical events and policies from different periods, the project seeks to discover how the implication of language was affected and changed by society. The significance of this project is purpose to unveil the covert strategies of cultural influence, be aware of the dangers of identity reversal and projective anxiety, and explore an objective way to display them. Ultimately, the project empowers the public to start considering and determining the power of subjective communication and facilitate the creation of a more inclusive and enlightened context for the future.


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The design for the booklet is rooted in research, offering a simpler and more visual approach to documenting the history and processes of science fiction. It arranged the content chronologically, documenting the evolution of the word "alien" and the development of alien characters in science fiction alongside real-world events.

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This booklet bound the content by securing two pages together along the spine, preventing them from opening fully and creating hidden content within. A hole in the center of the holding page allows readers to peek inside, and as the timeline progresses, the hole gradually expands, providing a clearer and richer view of the content inside.

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